
War love letter 1

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boykingkilla's avatar

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My dearest Whasleen, I have gone fully through boot camp for becoming a spy
and graduated with flying colors. I was told at 0700 this morning by the commander
that my first mission will be in the russian mountains which are covered by snow.. I am
partnered with my idol, Solid Snake. You don't know how happy I am to be working with the
man that I always wanted to meet.. Alas, I do miss you ever so much my love..... I hang on
though to keep the promise I made to you before I left for bootcamp.. I will return to you
when this is all over, I will cherish you as well as love you until the day I die. I just hope
that I won't die anytime before then, Cause I would technically be breaking the promise.. Hehe,
I guess that thing's are going to get better for both of us and I really hope that you are doing
good. I couldn't imagine you be in more pain than you allready are.... Both of our childhood's weren't
the best.. Your childhood though, I remember it so clearly.. You were alone, And the first one I saw after
I broke out of my egg.. I remember that we became great friend's and had become more than that in our coming
year's.. I always loved you Whasleen, And I always shall. I should end this letter now though, My flight to meet
up with Snake is coming close.. Whasleen, I love you now and I will and always shall love you. You still have my promise
that I will return to you alive and well. Enclosed in this envelope with this letter is a rose that I made for you
from wood, It's brilliantly shined and painted fully. I made it for you as a sign of my love. Anyways, Best of love
to you Whasleen.

Love your sweetheart,
Ok, The first upload was a char mistake. ^^; So yeah, I went back and repaired what I broke.. Anyways, It's a letter from my spy Yoshi char Rikar to :iconbowser2queen:'s Yoshi char Whasleen. They are a couple and Rikar loves Whasleen to death. This is one of the 5 letter's that Rikar wrote and kept in a box that he then sent to his home on his final mission which he retired after. Anyways, Here is one of the five letter's.

Rikar the Yoshi (c) :iconboykingkilla:
Whasleen the Yoshi (c) :iconbowser2queen:

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TorisLaCroix's avatar
Nice letter dude... I MISS YOU DAMMIT >_< XD